Sunday, November 26, 2006

"Heart tree"
I had a very lazy non-art weekend! I managed to put 2 hours into this one Sunday night, I like how the shadows give the image more depth. The shadows wrapping around the tree really give it a punch, it was touch and go for a while but it`s turning out to be a good one!
I`ve been playing the drums a lot lately but I guarantee I`ll be posting more work soon. My show is at the end of Febuary, so I have to get cracking!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

"Red candy" 5"x 5", oil on masonite.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

"If you have never drawn a tree in all of it`s infinite detail and were thinking about doing so...DON`T.

Hi Jessica, nice to see your smile on a rainy day, here is the snare drum. For the rest of you, you can make one by going here.
Second installment of drawing below will be tonight.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Day 1 - Here is my latest drawing in progress.